The Seminar Begins every Monday @7 PM ET
November 6th - 27, 2023
Learn how to organize your proposal, what sections to include (such as the executive summary, project description, budget, etc.), and how to present your ideas clearly and concisely.
Learn how to communicate your goals, objectives, and the impact of your project effectively, ensuring that your proposal is persuasive and professional.
Discover the key elements that funders look for in a proposal, such as a well-defined problem statement, a clear plan for achieving your objectives, a realistic budget, and measurable outcomes.
You'll work closely with Stormi Banks to ensure that your goals align with the right grants. Her guidance significantly increases your chances of successfully securing grant funding for your business.
Learn proven strategies and tools for consistently finding grants that match your business needs. This knowledge will empower you to uncover funding opportunities that you may have previously missed, making grant-seeking a regular and productive part of your business strategy.
The seminar not only equips you with the knowledge to find grants but also with the skills to select the right grants and craft compelling proposals. This newfound confidence and expertise will make your grant applications stand out, increasing your chances of approval and funding success.
Stormi is a Forbes featured business funding specialist. She has over 10 years of experience as an entrepreneur and prides herself on helping her community find financial freedom through investing and building scalable businesses. To date Stormi has helped entrepreneurs gain access to over $16 million dollars in funding.
You'll work closely with Stormi to ensure your goals align with the grants you're searching for. She and her team will guide you through the process, increasing your chances of success.
Learn how to consistently find grants for your business. Discover proven strategies and tools to make grant discovery a part of your regular business activities.
It's not just about finding grants; it's about finding the right grants for your business. We'll help you understand which grants align with your objectives and how to make the perfect match.
Stormi and her team will take you through the intricacies of crafting persuasive grant proposals. We'll show you the art of presenting your case effectively, increasing your chances of approval.